Photo by Sabine Dundure
Linocut (for sale)
Photo by Sabine Dundure
Photo by Sabine Dundure
(it's pronounced s-why)
Xoài Elda David is a writer, artist, and advocate for DEIJ in international schools. Xoài grew up in eight different countries, including Ghana, Uzbekistan, and China, but currently resides in Paris where she sometimes hosts meetups for Third Culture Kids as well as hosting certain nights at Spoken Word Paris.
Xoài completed a year in graphisme at LISAA (L'Institut Supérieure des Arts Appliqués) and earned her degree in Objet Livre Création Editoriale (DNMADE, Bac+3) at Ecole Estienne (ESAIG). She completed a Creative Writing course with Oxford University and is currently doing a Master's in Creative Writing. Apart from this and working on her novel(s), Xoài continues to work as Co-Founder of Organisation to Decolonise International Schools (ODIS) alongside her friend Clara.
Spoken Word photos by Sabine Dundure